Plant Systematics

Digital Herbarium

Department of Botany is maintaining well preserved Herbarium prepared by students.

Acession number is assigned to every specimen and arranged as per Bentham&Hooker classification 

It's not uncommon for someone to take a flower and press it between the pages of a book in order to preserve it. The paper absorbs the water in the flower or name a few, are primary sources for the study of these individuals' work,and pressing prevents the petals from curling up as they dry. Once dried, the flower will last indefinitely because the lack of water inhibits bacteria and fungi from causing deterioration.  


Just as libraries have been at the forefront of digitizing information about their books and the books themselves, the same thing is true of herbaria; both types of institution are dealing principally with two-dimensional material, which makes creating digital images relatively easy. This is a massive undertaking and data on labels are more often digitized than images of specimens.

Databases are amazing resources not just for botanists, but for teachers and students as well. They can serve as virtual museums of plants and as libraries of information about plants.

 Nerium odorum


Azadiricta indica


Cassia auriculata


Cajanus cajan


Momordica charantia


Punica granatum


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